If you have ever been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you understand what this type of violation feels like. Personal injury law, also known as tort law, deals with this type of violation.
Personal injury law provides compensation for people harmed by someone else’s wrongful conduct. If you or someone you care about was injured in San Antonio due to someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct, you might be entitled to substantial compensation.
To consult with an experienced San Antonio personal injury lawyer with the knowledge and experience needed to fight successfully for you and your family, contact Lopez Law at (210) 504-5222. We offer a free consultation and charge no fee unless we recover money for you.
Common Causes of Personal Injury Cases in San Antonio
Many personal injury cases arise from automobile accidents. But other common causes of personal injury cases include:
Proving Negligence in a San Antonio Personal Injury Case
For a successful personal injury case in San Antonio, the victim must be able to prove four things:
The wrongdoer owed them a duty of care
The wrongdoer’s conduct failed to uphold that duty
The wrongdoer’s breach of duty was a direct cause of their damages
They suffered actual and verifiable damages
Foreseeability is also a critical issue in determining whether a duty was breached in a personal injury claim. Foreseeability means that the wrongdoer should have foreseen or anticipated the harm they caused and taken reasonable steps to prevent it.
When negligence exists, and the injured party’s physical and/or mental injury is substantial, hiring the assistance of an experienced San Antonio personal injury attorney may be the only way for them to recoup all of their damages.
Damages recoverable through a personal injury claim can include the following:
Economic damages, such as:
Medical expenses
Damage to personal property
Lost wages and profits, and future loss of earnings, if applicable
Other out-of-pocket expenses
Non-economic damages, such as:
Pain and suffering
Emotional distress
Permanent impairment
Scarring and disfigurement
Non-economic damages are more difficult to prove. These often require support in the form of reports from experts, such as physicians and counselors, and testimony from family members and friends about any changes in the victim’s life they observed or perceived.
A court may also award the injured party punitive damages if the wrongdoer’s conduct exhibited wanton or reckless disregard for the rights of others.
How An Experienced San Antonio Personal Injury Attorney Can Help
Hiring an attorney early on in a personal injury case can help prevent mishaps that can jeopardize the entire case. Insurance companies often place their financial interests ahead of a claimant’s well-being and will take advantage of any opportunity to limit or deny an injury claim.
Accident victims are not always treated with fairness or reasonableness by insurance companies or corporations. Personal injury claimants are often offered only a fraction of the compensation they are entitled to receive. A good San Antonio personal injury attorney will more than pay for their services by ensuring that you are treated fairly and obtain maximum compensation for your damages.
Contact Lopez Law | San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyers
If you or someone you care about was injured in San Antonio, Texas as a result of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, you have a right to pursue compensation for any damages you suffered. The experienced Texas personal injury lawyers at Lopez Law take great pride in protecting accident victims’ rights and ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve.
Call or text us today at (210) 504-5222, or email us and we will get back to you promptly to schedule a free consultation. Our personal injury lawyers in San Antonio are standing by to help.